Episode 040 - Kirby's Epic Yarn

Episode 040 - Kirby's Epic Yarn

We break down the music of Kirby's Epic Yarn, Sean and Miles face off in another edition of Test Your Might, we check our E3 2015 predictions, and Andrew and Miles go head-to-head in the Remix Rumble!

If you enjoyed this episode please share it with your friends and give us a rating on iTunes!

Remix Redemption:
"Of Dreams and Time" - Nekofrog
OC ReMix Download: http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR02386 

Remix Rumble
"Jet Squid Radio" - Dj CUTMAN
Download: http://music.gamechops.com/track/jet-squid-radio 
This track and the entire album is available for whatever price you'd like, no minimum, but we encourage you to support Dj CUTMAN and GameChops if you can!

Produced by Andrew Padula

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Episode 041 - Final Fantasy Tactics

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